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Utilities API

Cursor-Utils provides a collection of utility modules that handle common operations for filesystem access, Git operations, text processing, and file ranking. These utilities are used throughout the application to provide consistent behavior and error handling.


The utilities are organized into the following modules:

Module Description Primary Functions
Filesystem (fs) File and directory operations Reading/writing files, directory management
Git Operations (git) Git repository interactions Clone, checkout, analyze repositories
Text Processing (text) Text manipulation functions Text formatting, ANSI handling, code highlighting
File Ranking (file_rank_algo) Algorithms for ranking files File ranking based on multiple factors

Filesystem Utilities

The fs module provides functions for file and directory operations with consistent error handling.

Core Functions


Ensure a directory exists, creating it if necessary.

Parameters: - path (Union[str, Path]): The directory path

Returns: - Path: The directory path as a Path object

Raises: - FilesystemError: If the directory cannot be created


from cursor_utils.utils.fs import ensure_directory

# Create a directory if it doesn't exist
config_dir = ensure_directory("~/.config/my-app")


Get a temporary directory with the specified prefix.

Parameters: - prefix (str): The prefix for the directory name

Returns: - Path: The temporary directory path

Raises: - FilesystemError: If the temporary directory cannot be created


from cursor_utils.utils.fs import get_temp_dir

# Create a temporary directory
temp_dir = get_temp_dir("my_app_")
    # Use the temporary directory
    print(f"Using temporary directory: {temp_dir}")
    # Clean up (optional, depends on your needs)
    import shutil

read_file(path, binary=False)

Read a file, optionally in binary mode.

Parameters: - path (Union[str, Path]): The file path - binary (bool): Whether to read the file in binary mode

Returns: - Union[str, bytes]: The file contents

Raises: - FilesystemError: If the file cannot be read


from cursor_utils.utils.fs import read_file

# Read a text file
content = read_file("config.json")

# Read a binary file
binary_content = read_file("image.png", binary=True)

write_file(path, content, binary=False)

Write content to a file, optionally in binary mode.

Parameters: - path (Union[str, Path]): The file path - content (Union[str, bytes]): The file contents - binary (bool): Whether to write the file in binary mode

Raises: - FilesystemError: If the file cannot be written


from cursor_utils.utils.fs import write_file

# Write a text file
write_file("output.txt", "Hello, world!")

# Write a binary file
write_file("output.bin", b"\x00\x01\x02\x03", binary=True)

list_files(directory, pattern="*", recursive=False)

List files in a directory matching a glob pattern.

Parameters: - directory (Union[str, Path]): The directory path - pattern (str): The glob pattern to match - recursive (bool): Whether to search recursively

Returns: - list[Path]: The list of file paths

Raises: - FilesystemError: If the directory cannot be read


from cursor_utils.utils.fs import list_files

# List all Python files in the current directory
py_files = list_files(".", "*.py")

# List all JSON files recursively
json_files = list_files(".", "*.json", recursive=True)


Check if a file is binary.

Parameters: - path (Union[str, Path]): The file path

Returns: - bool: True if the file is binary, False otherwise

Raises: - FilesystemError: If the file cannot be read


from cursor_utils.utils.fs import is_binary_file

# Check if a file is binary
if is_binary_file("unknown_file"):
    print("This is a binary file")
    print("This is a text file")

Error Handling

The fs module defines a FilesystemError class that provides context-specific error messages for filesystem operations.

    content = read_file("non_existent_file.txt")
except FilesystemError as e:
    print(f"Filesystem error: {e.message}")
    print(f"Path: {e.path}")
    if e.help_text:
        print(f"Help: {e.help_text}")

Git Utilities

The git module provides functions for working with Git repositories.

Core Functions

_run_git_command(args, cwd=None, capture_output=True)

Internal function to run a Git command.

Parameters: - args (list[str]): The Git command arguments - cwd (Optional[Union[str, Path]]): The working directory - capture_output (bool): Whether to capture the command output

Returns: - str: The command output

Raises: - GitError: If the command fails


Check if a directory is a Git repository.

Parameters: - path (Union[str, Path]): The directory path

Returns: - bool: True if the directory is a Git repository, False otherwise


from cursor_utils.utils.git import is_git_repository

# Check if the current directory is a Git repository
if is_git_repository("."):
    print("This is a Git repository")
    print("This is not a Git repository")


Get the root directory of a Git repository.

Parameters: - path (Union[str, Path]): A path within the repository

Returns: - Path: The repository root path

Raises: - GitError: If the path is not within a Git repository


from cursor_utils.utils.git import get_repository_root

# Get the root directory of the Git repository
repo_root = get_repository_root(".")
print(f"Repository root: {repo_root}")


Get the default branch of a repository.

Parameters: - path (Union[str, Path]): A path within the repository

Returns: - str: The default branch name

Raises: - GitError: If the default branch cannot be determined


from cursor_utils.utils.git import get_default_branch

# Get the default branch of a repository
branch = get_default_branch("my-repo")
print(f"Default branch: {branch}")

clone_repository(url, target_dir, branch=None, depth=None)

Clone a Git repository.

Parameters: - url (str): The repository URL - target_dir (Union[str, Path]): The target directory - branch (Optional[str]): The branch to checkout - depth (Optional[int]): The clone depth (for shallow clones)

Returns: - Path: The repository directory path

Raises: - GitError: If the repository cannot be cloned


from cursor_utils.utils.git import clone_repository

# Clone a repository
repo_dir = clone_repository(

Error Handling

The git module defines a GitError class for Git-related errors:

    repo_root = get_repository_root("not-a-git-repo")
except GitError as e:
    print(f"Git error: {e.message}")
    if e.help_text:
        print(f"Help: {e.help_text}")

Text Utilities

The text module provides functions for text processing and formatting.

Core Functions

truncate_text(text, max_length, suffix="...")

Truncate text to a maximum length.

Parameters: - text (str): The text to truncate - max_length (int): The maximum length - suffix (str): The suffix to append if truncated

Returns: - str: The truncated text


from cursor_utils.utils.text import truncate_text

# Truncate a long string
long_text = "This is a very long text that needs to be truncated"
short_text = truncate_text(long_text, 20)
print(short_text)  # "This is a very long..."

wrap_text(text, width=80)

Wrap text to a maximum width.

Parameters: - text (str): The text to wrap - width (int): The maximum width

Returns: - str: The wrapped text


from cursor_utils.utils.text import wrap_text

# Wrap text to a specific width
long_text = "This is a long text that will be wrapped to fit within the specified width"
wrapped_text = wrap_text(long_text, width=40)


Strip ANSI escape sequences from text.

Parameters: - text (str): The text to strip

Returns: - str: The stripped text


from cursor_utils.utils.text import strip_ansi

# Strip ANSI escape sequences from text
ansi_text = "\033[31mRed text\033[0m"
plain_text = strip_ansi(ansi_text)
print(plain_text)  # "Red text"

highlight_code(code, rich_theme, language=None, line_numbers=False, use_rich=False)

Highlight code syntax.

Parameters: - code (str): The code to highlight - rich_theme (str | SyntaxTheme): The Rich theme to use - language (Optional[str]): The language for syntax highlighting - line_numbers (bool): Whether to include line numbers - use_rich (bool): Whether to use Rich for highlighting

Returns: - str: The highlighted code


from cursor_utils.utils.text import highlight_code

# Highlight Python code
code = "def hello():\n    print('Hello, world!')"
highlighted = highlight_code(code, "monokai", language="python", line_numbers=True)

File Ranking Utilities

The file_rank_algo module provides algorithms for ranking files by relevance and importance.

Core Types


Base TypedDict with the required path key.

class BaseFileInfo(TypedDict):
    path: str


TypedDict for files that have been processed with all required fields.

class ProcessedFileInfo(BaseFileInfo):
    type: str
    size: int
    creation_time: float
    importance_score: float


TypedDict for file info with optional fields.

class FileInfo(BaseFileInfo, total=False):
    type: str
    size: int
    time: float
    creation_time: float
    importance_score: float

Core Functions


Build a list of FileInfo dictionaries for a given base path.

Parameters: - base_path (str): The base path to scan for files

Returns: - list[FileInfo]: A list of FileInfo dictionaries with path keys


from cursor_utils.utils.file_rank_algo import build_file_list

# Get a list of files in a directory
files = build_file_list("./my-project")
print(f"Found {len(files)} files")

FileRanker Class

The FileRanker class provides file ranking functionality based on multiple factors.

FileRanker(type_weight=1.0, size_weight=1.0, time_weight=1.0, gitignore_path=None, gitinclude_path=None)

Create a new FileRanker instance.

Parameters: - type_weight (float): Influence of file-type frequency in the final score - size_weight (float): Influence of file size in the final score - time_weight (float): Influence of file creation time in the final score - gitignore_path (Optional[str]): Path to a .gitignore-like file with exclusion patterns - gitinclude_path (Optional[str]): Path to a .gitinclude-like file with inclusion patterns


from cursor_utils.utils.file_rank_algo import FileRanker, build_file_list

# Create a ranker with custom weights
ranker = FileRanker(
    type_weight=1.5,  # Prefer common file types
    size_weight=0.8,  # Slightly prefer smaller files
    time_weight=1.2,  # Prefer newer files
    gitignore_path=".gitignore"  # Use .gitignore patterns

# Rank files
files = build_file_list("./my-project")
ranked_files = ranker.rank_files(files)

# Print top 5 most important files
for file_info in ranked_files[:5]:
    print(f"{file_info['path']} (score: {file_info['importance_score']:.2f})")


Rank files by importance score.

Parameters: - files (list[FileInfo]): List of FileInfo dictionaries

Returns: - list[ProcessedFileInfo]: List of ranked files with all fields set


from cursor_utils.utils.file_rank_algo import FileRanker, build_file_list

# Create a ranker and rank files
ranker = FileRanker()
files = build_file_list("./my-project")
ranked_files = ranker.rank_files(files)

Best Practices

  1. Handle Errors Properly: All utility functions raise specific exceptions with helpful error messages

        clone_repository("", "target")
    except GitError as e:
        print(f"Git error: {e.message}")
        if e.help_text:
            print(f"Help: {e.help_text}")

  2. Clean Up Temporary Resources: When using functions that create temporary resources, ensure proper cleanup

    temp_dir = get_temp_dir()
        # Use temporary directory
        import shutil

  3. Prefer Path Objects: Most functions accept both strings and Path objects, but using Path objects provides more flexibility

    from pathlib import Path
    config_dir = ensure_directory(Path.home() / ".config" / "cursor-utils")

  4. Use Safe Operations: Utility functions handle common edge cases and provide safe defaults

    # Safely read a file that might not exist
        content = read_file("config.json")
    except FilesystemError:
        content = "{}"  # Default content