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Config Command

The config command manages persistent configuration settings for Cursor-Utils, with a particular focus on storing and retrieving API keys securely.


cursor-utils config {SUBCOMMAND} [KEY] [VALUE] [OPTIONS]


Subcommand Description Syntax
list List all configuration values cursor-utils config list [OPTIONS]
get Get a specific configuration value cursor-utils config get KEY [OPTIONS]
set Set a configuration value cursor-utils config set KEY VALUE [OPTIONS]
delete Delete a configuration value cursor-utils config delete KEY [OPTIONS]


Option Description Default Example
--format Output format (plain, markdown, json, rich) rich --format json
--help Show command help - --help

Configuration Storage

By default, Cursor-Utils stores configuration in a JSON file located at:

  • Linux/macOS: ~/.config/cursor-utils/config.json
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\cursor-utils\config.json

The configuration file is automatically created when you first use the config set command.

Common Configuration Keys

Key Description Used By Commands
gemini_api_key Google Gemini API key gemini, project, repo
perplexity_api_key Perplexity API key web
github_token GitHub personal access token github
default_format Default output format All commands
default_gemini_model Default Gemini model gemini, project, repo
default_perplexity_model Default Perplexity model web


Listing All Configuration Values

To see all currently configured values:

cursor-utils config list

This will display a table of all configuration keys and their values.

With JSON output:

cursor-utils config list --format json

Getting a Specific Configuration Value

To retrieve a specific configuration value:

cursor-utils config get gemini_api_key

This will display just the value of the specified key.

Setting Configuration Values

To set or update a configuration value:

cursor-utils config set gemini_api_key YOUR_API_KEY

For setting the default Gemini model:

cursor-utils config set default_gemini_model gemini-1.5-pro

For setting the default output format:

cursor-utils config set default_format markdown

Deleting Configuration Values

To remove a configuration value:

cursor-utils config delete test_key

Using Environment Variables

All configuration values can also be set using environment variables, which take precedence over values in the configuration file.

export GEMINI_API_KEY=your_api_key
export DEFAULT_FORMAT=markdown
export GITHUB_TOKEN=your_github_token

API Key Setup

Google Gemini API Key

To use the gemini, project, and repo commands, you need a Google Gemini API key:

  1. Visit Google AI Studio to create an API key
  2. Configure the key in Cursor-Utils:
cursor-utils config set gemini_api_key YOUR_GEMINI_API_KEY

Perplexity API Key

To use the web command, you need a Perplexity API key:

  1. Visit Perplexity API documentation to create an API key
  2. Configure the key in Cursor-Utils:
cursor-utils config set perplexity_api_key YOUR_PERPLEXITY_API_KEY

GitHub Token

To use the github command, you need a GitHub personal access token:

  1. Create a token at GitHub Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens
  2. Configure the token in Cursor-Utils:
cursor-utils config set github_token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN

Security Considerations

Configuration values, including API keys, are stored in plaintext in the configuration file. For enhanced security:

  1. Ensure appropriate file permissions are set on the configuration file
  2. Consider using environment variables for sensitive values in shared environments
  3. On shared systems, use user-specific installations of Cursor-Utils

Best Practices

  1. Regularly Rotate API Keys: Periodically update your API keys for security
  2. Set Default Values: Configure defaults for commonly used options:
    cursor-utils config set default_format markdown
    cursor-utils config set default_gemini_model gemini-1.5-pro
  3. Use Separate Keys: For production vs. development environments
  4. Check Configuration: Verify your configuration before troubleshooting:
    cursor-utils config list