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GitHub Command

The github command provides a suite of tools for interacting with GitHub repositories directly from the terminal, enabling efficient repository management, issue tracking, and pull request handling without switching to a browser.


cursor-utils github SUBCOMMAND [OPTIONS]


Subcommand Description Syntax
repo Get repository information cursor-utils github repo [OPTIONS]
issues List repository issues cursor-utils github issues [OPTIONS]
prs List repository pull requests cursor-utils github prs [OPTIONS]
create-issue Create a new issue cursor-utils github create-issue [OPTIONS]
create-pr Create a new pull request cursor-utils github create-pr [OPTIONS]
help Show GitHub command help cursor-utils github help [SUBCOMMAND]

Common Options

These options apply to most GitHub subcommands:

Option Description Default Example
--owner Repository owner (username or organization) None (Required) --owner microsoft
--repo Repository name None (Required) --repo vscode
--format Output format (plain, markdown, json, rich) rich --format json
--help Show subcommand help - --help


Before using the github command, you need to set up your GitHub personal access token:

cursor-utils config set github_token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN

You can create a personal access token at GitHub Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens. Ensure your token has the appropriate scopes for the operations you want to perform.

Subcommand Details

Repository Information (repo)

Get detailed information about a GitHub repository.


cursor-utils github repo --owner OWNER --repo REPO [OPTIONS]


Option Description Default Example
--owner Repository owner None (Required) --owner microsoft
--repo Repository name None (Required) --repo vscode
--format Output format rich --format json


cursor-utils github repo --owner microsoft --repo vscode

List Issues (issues)

List issues in a GitHub repository with filtering options.


cursor-utils github issues --owner OWNER --repo REPO [OPTIONS]


Option Description Default Example
--owner Repository owner None (Required) --owner microsoft
--repo Repository name None (Required) --repo vscode
--state Issue state (open, closed, all) open --state closed
--limit Maximum number of issues to return 10 --limit 20
--labels Filter by labels (comma-separated) None --labels bug,enhancement
--assignee Filter by assignee None --assignee username
--format Output format rich --format markdown


List open issues:

cursor-utils github issues --owner microsoft --repo vscode

List closed issues with specific labels:

cursor-utils github issues --owner microsoft --repo vscode --state closed --labels bug,critical

List Pull Requests (prs)

List pull requests in a GitHub repository with filtering options.


cursor-utils github prs --owner OWNER --repo REPO [OPTIONS]


Option Description Default Example
--owner Repository owner None (Required) --owner microsoft
--repo Repository name None (Required) --repo vscode
--state PR state (open, closed, all) open --state closed
--limit Maximum number of PRs to return 10 --limit 20
--base Base branch filter None --base main
--head Head branch filter None --head feature-branch
--format Output format rich --format json


List open pull requests:

cursor-utils github prs --owner microsoft --repo vscode

List PRs for a specific branch:

cursor-utils github prs --owner microsoft --repo vscode --head feature-branch

Create Issue (create-issue)

Create a new issue in a GitHub repository.


cursor-utils github create-issue --owner OWNER --repo REPO --title TITLE [OPTIONS]


Option Description Default Example
--owner Repository owner None (Required) --owner your-username
--repo Repository name None (Required) --repo your-repo
--title Issue title None (Required) --title "Bug: Application crashes"
--body Issue body/description None --body "The application crashes when..."
--labels Issue labels (comma-separated) None --labels bug,critical
--assignees Assignees (comma-separated) None --assignees username1,username2
--format Output format rich --format json


Create a simple issue:

cursor-utils github create-issue --owner your-username --repo your-repo --title "Bug: Login page not working"

Create a detailed issue with labels and assignees:

cursor-utils github create-issue --owner your-username --repo your-repo --title "Feature Request: Dark Mode" --body "Please add dark mode support to improve accessibility and user experience." --labels enhancement,ui --assignees ui-team

Create Pull Request (create-pr)

Create a new pull request in a GitHub repository.


cursor-utils github create-pr --owner OWNER --repo REPO --title TITLE --head HEAD --base BASE [OPTIONS]


Option Description Default Example
--owner Repository owner None (Required) --owner your-username
--repo Repository name None (Required) --repo your-repo
--title PR title None (Required) --title "Add dark mode"
--head Head branch None (Required) --head feature-branch
--base Base branch None (Required) --base main
--body PR description None --body "This PR implements..."
--draft Mark as draft PR false --draft
--reviewers Requested reviewers (comma-separated) None --reviewers username1,username2
--format Output format rich --format json


Create a simple pull request:

cursor-utils github create-pr --owner your-username --repo your-repo --title "Fix login bug" --head bugfix-login --base main

Create a detailed draft pull request with reviewers:

cursor-utils github create-pr --owner your-username --repo your-repo --title "Implement dark mode" --head feature-dark-mode --base develop --body "This PR implements dark mode according to the design specs in issue #42." --draft --reviewers design-lead,frontend-lead

Use Cases

Repository Management

  • Quickly check repository information:

    cursor-utils github repo --owner microsoft --repo vscode

  • Monitor open issues and PRs:

    cursor-utils github issues --owner your-username --repo your-repo
    cursor-utils github prs --owner your-username --repo your-repo

Issue Tracking

  • Find specific issues:

    cursor-utils github issues --owner facebook --repo react --labels bug,high-priority

  • Create issues from the terminal:

    cursor-utils github create-issue --owner your-username --repo your-repo --title "Bug: Form validation fails" --labels bug

Pull Request Workflow

  • Check PR status:

    cursor-utils github prs --owner your-username --repo your-repo --state open

  • Create a PR after completing a feature:

    cursor-utils github create-pr --owner your-username --repo your-repo --title "Add user settings page" --head feature-user-settings --base main

Advanced Techniques

Complex Filtering

Combine multiple filters for precise results:

cursor-utils github issues --owner kubernetes --repo kubernetes --state open --labels bug,critical --limit 50

Output Processing

Use with other command-line tools for further processing:

# Extract issue numbers and titles
cursor-utils github issues --owner microsoft --repo vscode --format json | jq '.[] | {number: .number, title: .title}'


Use in scripts for automation:


# Generate changelog and create a release PR
CHANGES=$(cursor-utils gemini "Generate a changelog for the features and fixes in the following commits: $(git log --oneline origin/main..HEAD)")

cursor-utils github create-pr --owner your-username --repo your-repo --title "Release v1.2.0" --head develop --base main --body "$CHANGES"

Best Practices

  1. Use Authentication: Always set up your GitHub token for full functionality

    cursor-utils config set github_token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN

  2. Be Specific with Filters: Use filters to reduce noise in issue/PR listings

    cursor-utils github issues --owner facebook --repo react --labels bug --state open

  3. Choose Appropriate Output Format:

  4. Use rich for interactive use
  5. Use json for scripting and automation
  6. Use markdown for documentation

  7. Create Detailed Issues/PRs: Include sufficient context in issues and PRs

    cursor-utils github create-issue --title "Bug: Login fails" --body "Steps to reproduce:\n1. Navigate to login page\n2. Enter valid credentials\n3. Click submit\n\nExpected: User is logged in\nActual: Error 500 is displayed"

  8. Link Related Resources: Reference issues in PRs and vice versa

    cursor-utils github create-pr --title "Fix for login bug" --body "Resolves #42"


Authentication Issues

If you receive authentication errors:

Error: Authentication failed

Verify your GitHub token is correctly set:

cursor-utils config get github_token

If it's missing or incorrect, set it:

cursor-utils config set github_token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN

Permission Issues

If you receive permission errors:

Error: You don't have permission to perform this action

Ensure your GitHub token has the appropriate scopes: - For repository access: repo scope - For creating issues: repo scope - For creating PRs: repo scope - For public repositories only: public_repo scope

Rate Limiting

If you encounter rate limiting:

Error: API rate limit exceeded

GitHub has rate limits on API usage. Wait until the rate limit resets or use a token with higher limits.

Repository Not Found

If you receive a repository not found error:

Error: Repository not found

Verify the owner and repository name are correct:

cursor-utils github repo --owner correct-username --repo correct-repo-name

Also ensure your token has access to the specified repository.