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Installation Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring Cursor-Utils on various platforms.

Install Cursor Utils

pip install cursor-utils
uv pip install cursor-utils  # Recommended
poetry add cursor-utils

For a clean, isolated installation:

pipx install cursor-utils

If you don't have pipx installed:

pip install pipx
pipx ensurepath
pipx install cursor-utils

Verifying Installation

To verify that Cursor-Utils has been installed correctly:

cursor-utils --version

This should display the version number of the installed package.

Upgrading your Cursor Agent

By now, you should have Cursor-Utils installed in your environment. Now its time to upgrade your Cursor Agent and install the latest version of Cursor-Utils in the current repo / project / directory:


Even tho you have installed the latest version of Cursor-Utils in your environment, each time you start a new Cursor workspace, you need to run the cursor-utils install . command to install the latest version of Cursor-Utils in the current repo / project / directory.

cursor-utils install .
After running this command, your Cursor Agent will be updated with the new tools and commands. The command will also kickoff the api key setup process.


Please note the . is required to install the agent in the current repo / project / directory.

API Key Setup

Cursor-Utils requires API keys for certain commands. Set up these keys using the config command:

  1. Visit Google AI Studio to obtain a Gemini API key
  2. Configure the key in Cursor-Utils:
cursor-utils config set gemini_api_key YOUR_GEMINI_API_KEY
  1. Get a Perplexity API key from Perplexity API docs
  2. Configure the key:
cursor-utils config set perplexity_api_key YOUR_PERPLEXITY_API_KEY

For GitHub integration, you need a GitHub Personal Access Token:

  1. Create a token at GitHub Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens
  2. Configure the token:
cursor-utils config set github_token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN

Updating Cursor-Utils

To update to the latest version:

cursor-utils update


Common Installation Issues

Permission Errors

If you encounter permission errors during installation:

pip install --user cursor-utils

Dependency Conflicts

If you experience dependency conflicts:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install cursor-utils --ignore-installed

Path Issues

If the cursor-utils command is not found after installation:

  1. Ensure Python's bin directory is in your PATH
  2. For user installations, verify that ~/.local/bin is in your PATH

Add to your shell profile (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, etc.):

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

Getting Help

If you continue to experience issues:

  1. Check the GitHub repository for known issues
  2. Verify system requirements are met
  3. Try installation in a clean virtual environment
  4. Consult the advanced documentation at